Repent Sycophants!
...The end is here!
I'm liveblogging the elction night. Watch this space.
9:42 PM: Current tally on CBS (I'm forced to watch it.) 170[Bush]-112[Nader. Just kidding, Kerry:)]. They had some stupid showing of some idiot political hacks yelling in Las Vegas. CBS election coverage sucks. Go read
National Review weblogs.
10:01 PM: Different TV, now watching NBC, which just called Utah for Bush.
10:07 PM: NBC just called Arkansas for Bush. 182-112, Bush leads.
10:25 PM: The station is being changed. I will keep you informed on what it ends up on.
10:30 PM: Some stupid show on ESPN. It is changed again to CNN. Nope, it is on the move, stay with me.
10:35 PM: TV Land on political commentary on sitcoms. It is changing again. I will move soon in search of political commentary. Must feed...
10:46 PM: Different TV, now watching CNN, and no Carville! Woot!
11:00 PM: Updates: Pennsylvania and California called for Kerry. Saw Carville and Tucker. Arghhh... Bright spot: Tucker Carlson and James Carville agreed that the exit polls are crap.
"Oh my god, it's Larry King!"
I think there is massive voter fraud padding the margin in Pennsylvania.
11:04 PM: 197-188, Bush still leads.
11:06 PM: Weirdness: Arlen Specter is losing by a slim margin in PA.
11:22 PM: Ralph Nader is looking very grim on CNN, and only his right eye is blinking. Overheard: "Maybe he is having a stroke on national television." He was asked if he was disappointed by his poor performance. He said that he is furious at the Democratic "dirty tricks." Still 197-188.
11:31 PM: My battery is at 21%, so I won't be here much longer. CNN brought up the maverickness of Maine. Yay Maine!
11:57 PM: James Carville: "The Democrats are feeling pessimistic about Florida." Now Novak is trying to pick a rhetorical fight with Carville. Fantastic. This is better than real comedy. CBS predicts Florida for Bush. Novak is pissing off the studio audience. Tucker Carlson "thought that [Kerry] was the best candidate." Got power plugged in. Hawaii polls should close soon.
1:30 PM: CNN has called Florida for Kerry. The election appears to hinge on Ohio. I have not posted since midnight because I have an
epic post up on the Dead Pool blog.
This is NF, your post-modern present-day wit, signing off.